4-H Information

Culpeper County 4-H Clubs
4-H Cloverbud Clubs are open to any youth between the ages of 5-8 during the 4-H year.
4-H Clubs are open to any youth between the ages of 9-18 during the 4-H year.
4-H Year runs from Oct 1 thru Sept 30
Beef Club
Learn about the care, feeding, health and safety of beef animals.
Meetings: 1st Thursday of the month, 7:00 pm at the Carver Center
Leaders: Tom & Tricia Russell (540) 399-1201 or tntrussell@juno.com
Goats ‘R’ Us
Learn about the care, feeding, health, grooming, and showing of goats.
Meetings: 1st Tuesday of the month, 6:30pm at The Carver Center
Leader: Candace Myers (540) 308-5681 or
Livestock Competition Club
Learn about and compete in livestock judging, cattle working, and stockmen’s.
Limited space is available due to team sizes.
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 6:30pm at the Carver Center
Leader: Katie Reames (540) 219-5642 or katiereames@gmail.com
Rabbit Club
Learn about how to show and compete with rabbits.
Meetings: 4th Wednesday of the month, 6:30pm at The Carver Center
Leader: Olivia Coisman silkieor@gmail.com
Rixeyville Riders
Emphasis on horse-related education, all riding disciplines welcome. You do not need to own a horse to participate.
Meetings: Normally 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30pm at The Carver Center or local farm
Leader: Jody Ramey shohntr3@yahoo.com
Sheep Club
Learn about the care, feeding, health, and showing of sheep.
Meetings: 1st Wednesday of the month, 6:30pm at the Carver Center.
Leader: Becky Ramsey (540) 641-2697 culpeper4hsheepclub@gmail.com
Swine Club
Learn about the care, feeding, health, and breeding of hogs.
Meetings: 4th Monday of the month, 7:00pm at the Carver Center
Leaders: Michael Brown (540) 222-0997 mob1926@outlook.com
Wally Sheads (540) 718-1260 walter.sheadsjr@gmail.com
Town and Country Critters
Learn about care, feeding, health, and showing of rabbits and poultry.
Meetings: 4th Tuesday of the month, 7:00pm at the Carver Center
Leader: Laurie Hughes laurieandchicks@gmail.com
A club for children ages 5-8
This club provides a fun and educational experience that helps children to explore many interests.
Meetings: 2nd Friday of the month, 6:30pm at the Carver Center.
Leaders: Beth Lineweaver (540) 718-1152 bbenn89@vt.edu
Laura Zinn (540) 229-0065 zinnwife2011@gmail.com
Bloom and Grow Garden Club
Learn about soil science, planting seasons, planting techniques, plant diseases, and much more.
Meetings: 3rd Monday of the Month, 6:30p.m. at the Carver Center.
Leaders: Lauren Davis bloomgrow4culpeper@gmail.com & Olivia Coisman silkieor@gmail.com
Cedar Mountain
Youth learn safety foremost and marksmanship. Must be 10 years old to join.
New enrollees accepted in October
Meetings: Practice every Sunday 1:00 - 4:30pm at the Cedar Mtn. shooting range
Leader: Tony Gaudet cedarmountain.4h.shootingsports@gmail.com
Sponsored by Cedar Mountain Youth, Inc. www.cedarmountainyouth.org
- Camp Counselor Opportunities
- Culpeper-Madison-Rappahannock
- Farm Show
- In-School/After school Programming
- Junior 4-H Summer Camp
- Junior 4-H Winter Camp
- Share-the-Fun/Presentation Contest
- Summer Special Interest Workshops
To register for a club, please contact the leader of the club and register online at: 4-H Online 2.0
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Culpeper Office
9432 N. James Madison Highway
Suite 101
Rapidan, VA 22733
(540) 727-3435
Cristy Mosley
Extension Agent
4-H Youth Development
Elizabeth Walker
Associate Extension Agent
4-H Youth Development
JoAnna Kilby
4-H Program Assistant